About Kaytlyn

My interest in Rolfing piqued in my early 20′s. I was working with youth through a non-profit and suffering from recurring back pain and a general unease in my body. In the past I received a few Rolfing sessions but I had never had a series or come to the process with specific goals. I decided to invest in the Rolfing ten-series. I got a session every few weeks and was delighted to notice that my back pain faded away. I was used to being in particularly bad shape every few weeks and after a month and a half I realized the pain had not returned since starting the series. I also gained a new freedom in my body, returning to dance classes and hiking. I enjoyed moving within my body in a way I had not for a long time.

As time went on, I found myself drawn more to the healing path. I began by learning about the many complementary healing modalities out there and trying out the ones that resonated most with me. I kept coming back to Rolfing Structural Integration and its ability to solve chronic pain issues while creating more ease and wholeness in the body. I decided to enroll at The Rolf Institute and began the illuminating journey towards becoming a Rolfer.

I have continued to explore healing and movement, receiving a yoga teaching certificate from Innerstellar Yoga in Berkeley. I found my home in Forrest yoga sequencing after I observed that my low back felt better after these classes than any other type of yoga. Forrest yoga keeps the Rolfing process in my body longer and continues to cultivate body awareness, one of the most powerful pieces of my first Rolfing experience. I also completed an Ayurvedic course from Vedika Global. This long-time healing tradition out of India called to me for a long time and finally making the time to study it more in-depth has helped my own health immensely. In 2015 I decided to continue my Rolfing knowledge and complete the Advanced Rolfing Certification through The Guild For Structural Integration. This school honors Ida Rolf’s lineage in a way that deepened my understanding of the 10-series and its ability to create powerful long-lasting changes in the body and mind. I am also trained in SourcePoint and Spirit Response Therapy.

I am an East Bay original, graduating from Berkeley High and going on to get my B.A. from The Evergreen State College in Olympia, WA. Before becoming a Rolfer, I worked in education, labor organizing, and small business marketing. You will often find me hiking with my dog Tilda, joking around  with my husband David, planning a trip to hot springs and in the garden growing flowers and vegetables.